Dd-wrt dns

If you’re running a DD-WRT router, by using DNSMasq the DNS change will work for all devices that connect to your router, including mobile devices. So what do you have to change in DD-WRT? Here’s what you need to do: Log into the administration interface and go to the Services tab. Find the DNSMasq section and make sure the DNSMasq option Setup Local/Internal DNS with a DD-WRT Router I’ve talked about some features of the DD-WRT router before, and one of the things I’ve been playing around with lately is DNSMasq. There’s a good chance you haven’t noticed this setting in DD-WRT because it’s not something most people would ever think to use. But if you check the box, in addition the dd-wrt firewall will capture ALL port 53 (usual DNS port) traffic from clients and redirect it to DNSMasq so that the client gets results from your specified DNS servers rather than whichever alternate DNS server the client addressed. It only works for port 53 though, as far as I know. If the client is set up with a little cleverness so that DNS access How can I clear the DNS cache in DD-WRT on my router? DD-WRT uses the dnsmasq daemon. dns dd-wrt dnsmasq. share | improve this question | follow | edited Oct 13 '11 at 23:06. Gilles 'SO- stop being evil' 630k 152 152 gold badges 1302 1302 silver badges 18

I have configured an OpenVPN on my DD-WRT Router v3.0 to be able to access my internal network remotely. I got OpenVPN to work, and I got access to the network, but DNS resolution is not working for any internal network IP address (e.g. my router's DNS server is not accessible). Furthermore, I noticed that I do not have access to the Admin Panel either, which leads me to believe

Bonjour, Par ce tutoriel, je vais expliquer comment remplacer sa box de SFR par un routeur avec le firmware DD-WRT. La procédure étant trÚs simple, DD-WRT est donc une solution à envisager notamment pour les personnes peu initiées rebutées par les procédures complexes ou peu détaillées. Configure My Smart DNS for your DD-WRT Router Through to the Account Dashboard - your IP* needs to be activated. Once this one-click step has been accomplished the next steps are completed directly from your DD-WRT Router. DNS Servers are queried in rotation by clients. If one is not available next one from the obtained (or configured) list is queried. What you should want is, for all your queries to be directed to your dd-wrt routers local dns service to make best use of its DNS cache or managed entries. There is a simple way to achieve this: On WebUI - Setup / Basic Setup / Section Network Setup - set Static So a if definitive solution is possible (If all 3 static DNS servers are set the WAN DNS server is not added to resolv.dnsmasq) that would be preferable (bcmutils.c ?). Since the number of possible DNS servers has been increased from 3 to a lot, the DNS server from the WAN interface (if set on automatic configuration), which is mostly the ISP DNS server, is being added to the list of DNS

How to Set Up OpenDNS on your DD-WRT Router. Now that you have an account on OpenDNS, you need to set up your router to use their service. To do this you go to your router settings and use this setup. Go to Setup tab » Basic Setup sub tab » Network Setup section » Network Address Server Settings (DHCP), and ; Set Static DNS 1 to; Set Static DNS 2 to; Apply

23/04/2013 21/05/2020

But: configurer son router DD-WRT pour pouvoir utiliser la fonctionnalitĂ© VPN/PPTP afin d'avoir une connexion VPN utilisable par un iPhone ou autres. Cela permettra d'accĂ©der Ă  ses machines Ă  la maison depuis n'importe oĂč dans le monde (sauf Ă  l'EPFL sur une connexion fixe !, voir Ă  la fin de cette article). En fait d'exporter son intranet ailleurs qu'Ă  la maison. Conditions: D'avoir Il y a 12 heures DNS and DD-WRT routers; How to change your DNS settings. Step 1: Find the IP address of your router; First, find the IP of your router on MacOS (if you have a Mac machine) Find the IP address of your router on a PC running Windows; Step 2: Change the DNS (or Domain Name System) on the given DD-WRT router; List of best DD-WRT routers In order to configure dd-wrt with OpenDNS you need to specify the OpenDNS DNS servers in the control panel. This can be done in two ways: You can either configure your router to hand out the OpenDNS DNS addresses to your DHCP clients, or you can configure DNSMasq to forward all DNS requests sent to your router to OpenDNS. The advantage option 2 is that you will not lose internal DNS resolution on your network. If you are using DNSMasq for DNS and also use a VPN client on your Windows PC's (say to connect to work), you may find that your DNS name resolution through your VPN tunnel may stop working. This is because the DNS requests are being sent to DD-WRT instead of the VPN tunnel, due to the binding order of the remote access connection.

Configure My Smart DNS for your DD-WRT Router Through to the Account Dashboard - your IP* needs to be activated. Once this one-click step has been accomplished the next steps are completed directly from your DD-WRT Router.

DD-WRT vs Tomato. DD-WRT et Tomato sont tous les deux gratuits mais tous les deux n’ont pas les mĂȘme fonctionnalitĂ©s. Tout d’abord je vous conseillerais plutĂŽt d’utiliser DD-WRT qui me semble plus moderne et un peu mieux dĂ©veloppĂ©. De plus, DD-WRT supporte plus de modĂšles de routeur que Tomato. Connectez l'ONT fibre au port WAN du routeur DD-WRT. Connectez si vous souhaitez vous en servir le dĂ©codeur TV Ă  l'un des ports LAN du routeur DD-WRT. Assurez vous que DD-WRT soit dans une version rĂ©cente, au minimum la r39137 (ici ou lĂ ) (historique des dĂ©veloppements ici).